María del Carmen García



Academic profile
B.A. in Medicine and Surgery. Master in Hospital and Healthcare Management and Clinical Trials at the University of Sevilla and Business Administration from the Interamerican University.


Since 2006, she has held biomedical research posts as Clinical Monitor, Director and Coordinator of Clinical Operations and she is also a teacher at the Medical Sciences University.


Ana Teresa Umaña Fernández

Chief Pharmacist

Academic profile
B.A. in pharmacy from the University of Costa Rica.


Since 2005, she has held biomedical research posts as clinical trial monitor, coordinator and Chief Pharmacist in charge of research medications at the Clinical Research Depot at Novartis Farmacéutica S.A in C.R. and the Medical Sciences Research Institute.

María Fernanda Zúñiga Abarca

Clinical Coordinator

Academic profile
B.A. in Nursing from the University of Costa Rica. Currently enrolled in the Academic Master’s Degree in Gerontology program at the University of Costa Rica.


Since 2014, she has worked as a Clinical Nurse. She held a position as a Teacher and Final Graduation Project tutor at the Nursing School of the University of Costa Rica.

Luis Eduardo Carvajal Mejías

Clinical Coordinator

Academic profile
B.A. in Human Nutrition from the University of Costa Rica.

Since 2010, he has worked in biomedical research positions as clinical trial coordinator and is also a Teacher and Final Graduation Project tutor at the Medical Sciences University and a clinical nutritionist with a specialty in diabetes.